Saturday 22 September 2012


Abu'l Waleed Muhammad Ibn Rushd, known as Averroes in the West, was born  in 1128 C.E. in Cordova.
Ibn Rushd made remarkable contributions in Philosophy, Logic, Medicine, Music and Jurisprudence. In Medicine his well known book Kitab al-Kulyat fi al-Tibb was written before 1162 C.E. Its Latin translation was known as 'Colliget'. In it, Ibn Rushd had thrown light on various aspects of Medicine including the diagnoses, cure and prevention of diseases. 
In Philosophy Tuhafut al-Tuhafut was written in response to Ghazali's work. In the field of Music, Ibn Rushd wrote a commentary on Aristotle's book De Anima. In Astronomy he wrote a treatise on the motion of the sphere, Kitab fi-Harakat al-Falak.
Ibn Rushd's writings spread over 20,000 pages, the most famous of which deal with Philosophy, Medicine and Jurisprudence. On Medicine alone he wrote 20 books. Regarding Jurisprudence, his book Hidayat-al-Mujtahid wa-Nihayat-al-Muqtasid has been held by Ibn Jafar Thahabi as possibly the best book on the Maliki School of Fiqah. Ibn Rushd's writings were translated into various languages. Aristotle was recognized in Europe because of Ibn Rushd's deliberations on his work.

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